The municipality of Nazaré consists of 3 parishes: Nazaré, Valado dos Frades and Famalicão, it has an area of 82.5 km2, about 15,000 inhabitants and one of the most famous beaches on the Portuguese coast.

Most of the area of the municipality is made up of flat and sandy terrain, with some patches originating from old silts that formed after the receding of the sea. Coarse, clean sand is found shallow.

To the north of the Municipality the land is made up of dunes covered with pine trees, with some cultivated and productive lowlands. The entire horticultural culture has a great development, especially in the very fertile fields of Valado, and where a true tradition remains from the monks of the Monastery of Alcobaça

A pesca absorvia a maior parte das actividades humanas, tanto a pesca junto à costa como a de alto mar. Hoje em dia, apesar das actividades piscatória e agrícola permanecerem no concelho, a actividade turística tem vindo a monopolizar grande parte dos recursos humanos do município.


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