Brotherhood of Our Lord of the Stations of the Cross of Pederneira (since 1620)
Nazaré - Pederneira - Sítio
Saturday, March 22
- 15:00 | Sortes - Stella Maris
Saturday, March 29
- 17:00 | Call to the insignia followed by te departure of the Procession - Church of Misericórdia, Pederneira
Sunday, March 30
- 16:00 | Mass for the souls of deceased brothers - Igreja Matriz, Pederneira
- 17:30 | Call to insignia followed by departure of the Procession
- 18:00 | Meeting Sermon
- 20:00 | Arrival at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Nazaré, Sítio da Nazaré
- 20:30 | Burial Procession at Largo de Nossa Senhora da Nazaré, Sítio da Nazaré
Monday, 31st March
- 18:00 | Call to the insignia followed by the departure of the Procession
- 20:00 | Arrival at Pederneira followed by the Farewell Procession
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