The beach of Nazaré has a relatively recent origin, for until the 17th century the sea occupied most of the area where today stand the houses. The geological transformations occurred during that century made the retreat of the sea and the silting up of the area, leaving the lovely bay uncovered.

The first references to fishing in Nazaré date from 1643, however, only in the beginning of the 19th century did the population start to live in the new beach. Until then, the fishermen lived, mainly, in the upper parts – Sítio and Pederneira – since the constant attacks of Algerian and Dutch pirates made the beach a very unsafe place.

Nazaré was first known and demanded as a seaside resort in the middle of the 19th century. Its natural beauty and typical characteristics drew the visitors’ attention. Fishing, fish transformation and its sale were the main activities of the population during most of the 20th century.

The harsh and dangerous sea life has made many fishermen leave their hometown seeking for better living conditions. The construction of the Harbour, in the 1980s, has changed and improved the fishermen’s living conditions, thus starting a new period on the population’s daily life. In the 1960s, tourism discovered the charm of the beach and the town became known all over the world.

Every year, Nazaré receives the visit of thousands of national and international tourists, being today a modern and always lively town. To walk down its narrow streets towards the sea, is to discover a way of living still genuine and peculiar, with surprises at every corner! Beauty, memories, charisma and traditions make Nazaré the most unforgettable Portuguese beach.


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